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Monday, October 22, 2018

Just Trust Me - Parody of "If You Could Only See" by Tonic

If I could only see the land curve away,
Maybe I would start to say,
That the Earth is a ball and it spins and it moves,
Like they say others do.
If I could only see blue water bend,
That's what science says,
When science says just trust me.

Well they got their reasons,
Tell all of us lies.
Scientism manipulations,
The truth has been excised.

Say you want the truth but you can't handle the proof.

If I could only see the land curve away,
Maybe I would start to say,
That the Earth is a ball and it spins and it moves,
Like they say others do.
If I could only see blue water bend,
That's what science says,
When science says just trust me.

Inverse square law unraveled,
Light doesn't go on forever.
Moon light temperature on dirt,
To prove what's above.
Yeah, that's a couple proofs.

Say you want the truth but you can't handle the proof.
Zoomin' in your Nikon for a curve that's just not there.
Say you want the truth but is His Spirit within you?

If I could only see the land curve away,
Maybe I would start to say,
That the Earth is a ball and it spins and it moves,
Like they say others do.
If I could only see blue water bend,
That's what science says,
When NASA says just trussssst ussssss.

Say you want the truth but you can't handle the proof.
Cognitive dissonance.
Say you want the truth but is His Spirit within you?

If I could only see the land curve away,
Maybe I would start to say,
That the Earth is a ball and it spins and it moves,
Like they say others do.
If I could only see blue water bend,
That's what science says,
When science says just trust me.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Rob Skiba tinyurl shortcut links

Rob Skiba


FECi66 - [Copyright Strike] 
FECi66-2 Flat Earth Clues Interview 66 - Revolutionary Radio with Rob Skiba - Mark Sargent ✅ 
SkibaStellarium - Stellarium shows the sun moving faster in January than in June
SkibaMcCrary - Navy missle [sic] instructor describes things that seem to confirm Flat Earth
P2SkibaFE - Flat Earth Clues Interview 32 - Perceptions Radio with Rob Skiba via Skype Audio - Mark Sargent ✅
SkibaOttFE - Daniel Ott interviews Rob Skiba
SkibaBauerFE - Rob Skiba and Zachary Bauer Debate Flat Earth
SkibaFEmap - Flat Earth (AE) Map = Southern Flights No Longer a Problem?
Q4T98Percent - [2:30:54] Quest4Truth Special Edition - Why Rob Skiba went on the Flat Earth quest
SkibaMirageFE - Rob Skiba proves the Chicago skyline (as seen from the other side) is NOT a mirage
SkibaDavidsonFE - [Video Unavailable]
SkibaWayback - The Way Back Machine exposes NASA + Rob Skiba's confession (FE)
SkibaMaxFlight - Max Igan's "southern hemisphere" flight - plus a challenge for someone to repeat it
DGD13e6Skiba - [Video Unavailable]
DGe8SkibaNYSTV - [Video Unavailable
SkibaZenFE1 - TFR - Revolutionary Radio with Zen Garcia: Flat Earth and the Firmament
SkibaLensing2 - Flat Earth and Atmospheric Magnification (short version)
SkibaStupidFE - If you trust NASA you have NO RIGHT to judge any Flat Earther as being "stupid."
NYSTVSkibaRLX-F - Real Life X- Files w/ Rob Skiba on NYSTV: What is going on?!
ERSkibaScience - The Flat Earth. Is Science a Lie? Rob Skiba's provoking interview on Enrichment Radio.
SkibaTabernacle - Was Israel's Wilderness Tabernacle a Miniature Flat Earth Model?
2BloodlinesSkiba - Truth - (proof) two bloodline on earth Rob Skiba
SkibaStillFE - The Bible and the Still Flat Earth
SkibaScientismExposed - TFR - Revolutionary Radio w/ Robbie Davidson and Brian Mullin: Flat Earth and Scientism Exposed
SkibaLinks - [This Page]
SkibaSargentFE - Mark Sargent interviews Rob Skiba about Flat Earth
SkibaJourneyFE - The journey that led Rob Skiba to investigate the Flat Earth claims
SkibaDayNight - Day and Night take 2
SkibaHoyFE - TFR - Revolutionary Radio with Andy Hoy: Rethinking Israel's Tabernacle
NYSTVSkibaFE - Now You See TV interviews Rob Skiba about Flat Earth
SkibaSunsetsSolved - Does the atmosphere solve "the problem of sunsets" on a flat Earth?
Apollo17EarthPhotoExposed - [Video Unavailable] The Sharpening 073: Rob Skiba and Exposing the Flat Earth Theory
Apollo17EarthPhotoExposed2 - [58:32] TSR 073: Rob Skiba and Exposing the Flat Earth Theory
PeckSkibaMoonFE - FLAT EARTH CONSPIRACY EXPOSED! Flat Earth Moon Phases and Eclipses Explained by Rob Skiba
SkibaBiblicalStarsFE - According to the Biblical flat Earth model, stars are not what we are told they are
SkibaLevelFlight - Max Igan and Rob Skiba (flat Earth) Flight Direction and Level Tests
SkibaAmsterdam1 - Biblical Flat Earth Conference in Amsterdam - Part 1: The Absurdity of Belief
SkibaAmsterdam2 - Biblical Flat Earth Conference in Amsterdam - Part 2: A Seed War, the Beast and a Strong Delusion
TheologiansGoneWild1 - Biblical Flat Earth Conference in Amsterdam - Part 2: A Seed War, the Beast and a Strong Delusion
TheologiansGoneWild2 - Biblical Cosmology: Theologians Gone Wild Part 2 - The Firmament
PeckSkibaMoonFE - FLAT EARTH CONSPIRACY EXPOSED! Flat Earth Moon Phases and Eclipses Explained by Rob Skiba
SkibaThorSmash - Sending Thor to Smash the Firmament?
Skiba4Seasons - How the 4 seasons work on the Flat Earth model
SkibaChicagoSkyline1 - The Chicago Skyline Expanded Edition - Part 1: Refraction, Magnification or Curvature?
SkibaJeranism - Rob Skiba Interviews Jeran on Revolutionary Radio
SkibaMoonscape - Rob Skiba walks on the moon!
Skiba1948Israel - Rob Skiba's take on 1948 Israel, the 144,000, Rapture and Greater Exodus
SkibaBustsMyth - Rob Skiba, Rick Hummer & Victor Brewer Plan to Bust Mythbusters
SkibaStrangeDays - Strange Days - A Pope, a Patriarch, an artifact and a Flat Earth X File?
SkibaTetraScroll - TFR - Revolutionary Radio with Wendy Carter: The Tetra Scroll
SkibaBalloonGoals - The goals of our high altitude weather balloon test
SkibaDroneLab - [33:18] Rob Skiba, Rick Hummer & Victor Brewer Plan to Bust Mythbusters
SkibaSabotage - Did Satan Sabotage the Sabbatōn?
SkibaRaptureVerdict - TFR - Revolutionary Radio with Michael Snyder: The Rapture Verdict (and more)
SkibaNephilimX-men - 2016 Lubbock Nephilim Conference - Session 4: Rob Skiba - X-men and the Apocalypse
SkibaProvesGlobeDebunk - Rob Skiba Proves Globe - DEBUNKED
SkibaPillarsFE - The Pillars of the Earth
SkibaHorizonTest - A Simple Horizon Test Take 2
SkibaMoonQuestions - Many Moon Questions
TheodoliteMoon -TheodoliteMoon.pdf
SkibaNukeIt - Oh look - is that the Firmament? Sa-weet! Let's nuke it.
SkibaNimrodAntichrist - Are we seeing more proof that Nimrod/Baal is the Antichrist?
SkibaGenRevFE - The Genesis Revelation - How the Bible absolutely describes an enclosed world cosmology
SkibaDecodingDeception1 - Decoding Deception - Part 1: The Seed War: Deception, Disobedience and Exile
SkibaDecodingDeception2 - Decoding Deception - Part 2: Babylon Rising: Declaring the End from the Beginning
SkibaDecodingDeception3-1 - Decoding Deception - Part 3: Ephraim Awakening: Redeeming the Bride
ProteanFieldV3 - The Protean Field Trailer V3
SEED-pvct - SEED
SkibaForgiveness - [35:37] Rob Skiba shares his testimony, the high price of doing research and discusses getting back to SEED
SkibaDroneLab - [33:18] Rob Skiba, Rick Hummer & Victor Brewer Plan to Bust Mythbusters
Skiba2ndBalloonLaunch - TestingTheGlobe's Second High-Altitude Balloon Launch
SkibaChristmas - [1:30:03] Decoding Deception - Part 2: Babylon Rising: Declaring the End from the Beginning
SkibaNightlineFE - Rob Skiba's (raw) Flat Earth Interview on ABC's NightLine
SkibaHorizonTest3 - A Simple Horizon Test Take 3
SEEDvlog - Seed The Series - WHY SEED? WHY NOW?
TheodoliteMoonFE - [46:56] Flat Earth Live: Rob Skiba and Jared Chrestman with Flat Worth
SaltonSeaFE - Salton Sea National Geographic Flat Earth Test with Rob Skiba LIVE
TheologiansGoneWild3 - Theologians Gone Wild 3: Flat Earth, the Bible and the Mandela Effect
SkibaVineyardFE - Interview on The Parable of the Vineyard show: Hard TRUTHS, Flat Earth, Space Force & More
SkibaFEIC18CA1-4a - FEIC 2018 Canada - Day 1 - Session 4 (Part 1 of 4): Rob Skiba
SkibaFEIC18CA1-4b - FEIC 2018 Canada - Day 1 - Session 4 (Part 2 of 4): Rob Skiba
SkibaFEIC18CA2-5 - FEIC 2018 Canada - Day 2 - Session 5 (expanded): Rob Skiba
SkibaFEIC18CA1-4d - FEIC 2018 Canada - Day 1 - Session 4 (Part 4 of 4): Rob Skiba
SkibaFEIC18CA1-4c - FEIC 2018 Canada - Day 1 - Session 4 (Part 3 of 4): Rob Skiba
SkibaSelfLitMoon - How the moon could be self lighting?
SkibaDebunkingFE101 - Debunking Flat Earth 101
Skiba911 - [41:29] Decoding Deception - Part 2: Babylon Rising: Declaring the End from the Beginning links are not case sensitive. Caps added for improved readability. Sharing these on twitter and facebook will display a nice icon and synopsis. Links are listed in order of creation.