Monday, September 28, 2015

How The United States Of America Lost WWII By Stealth


History is written by the winners.

Adolph Hitler was a hand picked windup toy empowered by the globalist elite to help redraw country lines as a Hegalian Dialectic to achieve the United Nations out of the ashes of the League of Nations.

Great Britain and Germany were working together in the beginning of the war since the bloodlines are the same. The french leaders were Illuminsts (Theosophical) and stood down to help achieve this greater goal of world government.

In America the WWII propaganda was so strong the American people would have fought down to the last man woman and child if the country was invaded.

If we lose the war we will be speaking German. If we lose the war we will be speaking German.
If we lose the war we will be speaking German. If we lose the war we will be speaking German.

Real history shows the Japanese surrendered before we dropped BOTH bombs unnecessarily to show our might and sell the illusion we won the war in the Pacific.

Operation "Paper Clip" brought to America the Nazi scientists  to work in the military and were the researchers that formed NASA.

In the 1950's the fasces was put on the walls of congress.
Declassified Soviet documents claim the Pentagon ran both sides of the cold war so both governments had a reason to oppress their own people.


If you owned a country the size of Texas, would you be willing to sell out your own people to own a chunk of land the size of all America, and possibly control the 'free' world?


What if the Italians (The Vatican) were not Allies but Axis double agents?
What if Italy used luciferian/Nephilim/Illuminati technology to hold the world hostage?
What if Italy made secret deals to take over the world?
What if the Soviets were allowed to take Europe?
What if Britain solidified their already German ancestry with more power?
What if Japan was bombed to sell the illusion we won the war so no speaking German?
What if the globalist eugenicist psychopathic fascist corporatists merged with the American leadership and then merged the Nazi regime to the American bureaucracy?

What if America actually lost WWII?

Friday, September 25, 2015

Trans-Humanist Protection Amendment

#‎Corpram‬, ‪#‎CorproAmendment‬
Trans-Humanist Protection Amendment -

All laws concerning corporations are hereby repealed.

Congress shall pass no law, the President shall issue no order, the Courts shall make no ruling, and the Sovereign States and their branches shall pass no law, issue no order, or make a ruling establishing corporations or recognize a free association of individuals as a legal person or recognize foreign corporations as legal persons or allowing a foreign corporation to purchase or operate any business or organization, save for the individual.

A person shall only be an individual consisting of 100% Human DeoxyriboNucleic Acid.

It shall be unlawful for the United States of America, and wherein any state, county, city, township, parish, district, community, territory, or any other seat of government power or free association of individuals to incorporate.